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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Heather's Divine Favor Abilities

Minor Blessings

Final Rest
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 1 point.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Holy Touch
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 2 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Protection from Evil
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 3 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Feed the Masses
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Flesh Wounds
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Combat Leader
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: Born War Leader 4 (PM, -10%) [18]

Divine Guidance
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 6.
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Spirit Weapon
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 6.
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 6.
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Major Blessings

Alacritous Arm
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Extra Attack 1 (Extra-Attack, +20%; PM, -10%) [28]

Righteous Fury
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: As per Pyramid 3/36.

Lee's Fury
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Trained by a Master (PM, -10%) [27]

Protection from Evil (Enhanced)
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Sense True Evil
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Lay on Hands
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Holy Glory
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Guide My Hand
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.

Statistics: As per Pyramid 3/36.

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

See Evil
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 11 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Alacritous Arm
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 11 points

Statistics: Extra Attack 2 (Multi-Strike, +20%; PM, -10%) [55]

Miraculous Power

Holy Fire
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 12 points.

Statistics: As per Pyramid 3/36.

Righteous Fury (Enhanced)
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 12 points.

Statistics: As per Pyramid 3/36.

Smite (Enhanced)
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 11.
Learned Prayer Cost: 17 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Holy Glory (Enhanced)
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 12.
Learned Prayer Cost: 20 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Lay on Hands (Enhanced)
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 12.
Learned Prayer Cost: 22 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

World-Shaking Miracles

Holy Fire
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 13.
Learned Prayer Cost: 23 points.

Statistics: As per Pyramid 3/36.

Holy Fire
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 13.
Learned Prayer Cost: 25 points.

Statistics: As per Pyramid 3/36.

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 16.
Learned Prayer Cost: 68 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

King Luther's Divine Favor Abilities

Minor Blessings

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 3 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Call It
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: Intuition (Must Flip A Coin, -20%; PM, -10%) [11].

Flesh Wounds
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor .
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Luther's Own Luck
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: Luck (PM, -10%) [14].

Right Place, Right Time
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: Serendipity 1 (PM, -10%) [14].

Divine Guidance
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points.

Statistics: As per Divine Favor.

Beginner's Luck
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Wild Talent (PM, -10%) [18].

King Me
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Games Talent 4 (PM, -10%) [18].

Did You Hear That?
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 6.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.

Statistics: Danger Sense (Reliable +10, +50%; PM, -10%) [21].

Major Blessings

Luther's Not Playing Around
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Extraordinary Luck (PM, -10%) [27].

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Detect (Cheaters; Reflexive, +40%; Reliable +10, +50%; Cosmic, no die roll required, +100%; PM, -10%) [28].

Whoa! Don't Breathe This!
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Detect (Curses; Reflexive, +40%; Reliable +10, +50%; Cosmic, no die roll required, +100%; PM, -10%) [28].

Just What I Needed!
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Serendipity (Wishing, +100%; PM, -10%) [29].

They Went Thatta Way!
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 11 points.

Statistics: Intuition (Cosmic, no die roll required, +100%; Inspired, +100%; PM, -10%; Reliable, +10, +50%) [51].

Luther's Gone Too Far!
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 11 points.

Statistics: Ridiculous Luck (PM, -10%) [54].

Miraculous Power

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 11.
Learned Prayer Cost: 15 points.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Based on Will, +20%; Cosmic, Irresistible Attack, +300%; Disadvantage, Cursed, +75%; Extended Duration, Permanent, +150%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; PM, -10%) [75].

Afflicts the subject with the Cursed disadvantage until it succeeds on a notable success.

Luther, Seriously, Cut It Out
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 11.
Learned Prayer Cost: 18 points.

Statistics: Super Luck (PM, -10%) [90].

World-Shaping Miracles

Y'all Done Messed Up
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 13.
Learned Prayer Cost: 26 points.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (Will; Area Effect, 1024 yards, +500%; Based on Will, +20%; Cosmic, Irresistible Attack, +300%; Disadvantage, Cursed, +75%; Extended Duration, Permanent, +150%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; PM, -10%) [130].

Afflicts the subject with the Cursed disadvantage until it succeeds on a notable success.

Missed Me!
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 14.
Learned Prayer Cost: 27 points.

Statistics: Defense Bonus 5 (PM, -10%) [135]

Luther, What Are You Thinking?!
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 16.
Learned Prayer Cost: 39 points.

Statistics: Super Luck (Alter Reality, +75%; Wishing, +100%; Maximum Duration, 5d seconds, -75%; PM, -10%) [195].

Friday, August 22, 2014

Critical Hit Effects in GURPS

I've altered the effects of critical hits in GURPS to remove what I perceive to be the unrealistic aspects. I've tried to give results that can be explained as physically happening in the game world.

I think I need to begin by looking at what critical hits are and why we have them in the first place. As I understand them, their purpose is to give us a mechanical way of representing outcomes that are otherwise below the game mechanics' level of resolution.

Critical hits have two effects:
1) They remove the defender's chance to defend against the attack.
2) The attacker makes a roll on the critical hit table and gets a supposedly physically possible effect with a low rate of occurrence.

In regards to #1: I don't see how the critical hit rates would differ based on skill. I'm not familiar with earlier editions of the game, but I imagine this was acting as a pseudo-deceptive attack before that rule existed. That skill is tied in with #2 seems extremely odd to me, though. I can't justify highly skilled characters experiencing those essentially random and uncontrollable outcomes more often. It seems strange that a critical hit, something external to the defender, removes the defense roll entirely. It's difficult to explain how a robot with reflexes a thousand times faster than a human's can fail to defend against one attack in eleven from a human swordsman, regardless of the swordsman's skill.

Now my major concern: The critical hit table in GURPS gives results that don't make any physical sense. What does damage in GURPS represent? Kinetic energy. It's what determines whether an arrow pierces a bronze cuirass and it's what determines whether a bullet pierces a tank's glacis. What, then, do the double and triple damage results on the critical hit table represent? Clearly they are an increase in kinetic energy. I find this incompatible with reality. Ten damage is 625J, nearing the upper limit of human muscles. Thirty damage is 5625J, which is well beyond anything the human body is capable of. A bow or gun, or a human's sword arm, don't function this way. I can't conceive of this result ever happening in an unpredictable manner. If my gun occasionally shoots for triple damage, then clearly I should be able to alter its mechanism so it always shoots for that amount of damage. If you look at Olympic athletes and the results they get at events, their muscle output is consistent, with variations of one or two percent. If human muscles, guns, lasers, and all other weapons outputted five or ten times their normal wattage as GURPS claims they do, this would show up in measurements of athletes and firearms.

The ability to ignore some amount of DR also makes little sense. It can't be explained as a flaw in the armor in anything other than a narrativistic sense; what if my armor really has no flaws? Does the critical hit travel backwards through time and cause the smith to work weak spots into the armor? Weak spots that can't be detected by even the most advanced instruments (for the DR of homogenous TL12 robots and vehicles are also halved).

Why would a TL11 war robot drop whatever it's holding because it was struck by a man with a sword? Why would this continue to happen after that model's next firmware update?

I don't believe these results are intended to explain the physical goings-on of the game world itself. The results they provide can't be explained in terms of the physics of the in-game universe. When using these rules, I am unable to achieve the desired sense of verisimilitude.

As such, I offer these alternatives:

The rules:

Critical hits no longer remove the defender's chance to defend. I am considering three options here. Option #1: no defense penalty, defender defends as normal; Option #2: defender defends at -4; Option #3: defender defends at half of the attacker's margin of success on his attack roll.

I think I prefer #2 here for ease of use, but I could argue for either of the other two.

And here is my new critical hit table:

3 You may change the hit location of your attack to any other of your choice.
4 Maximum Damage.
5 Your opponent can't retreat from this attack.
6 Shock penalty from attack lasts an additional 1d seconds.
7 Attack is at an additional -2 to defend against.
8 You get +3 on defenses against the attacked target until your next turn.
9, 10, 11 No additional effect.
12 Same as 8
13, 14 Same as 7
15 Same as 6
16 Same as 5
17 Same as 4
18 Same as 3

Friday, May 9, 2014

GURPS House Rules: Shields as Cover


I've changed the way shields work so they're more in-line with the way armor works. Rather than granting a defense bonus, they provide DR against attacks that strike them.


Imagine this: you're a Greek soldier standing with your comrades facing off against a Persian army. You're in a field with grass up past your eyes. A cloud of dust so thick it blocks the noonday sun fills the sky. You have only your helmet, your shield, and your spear to protect you from the enemy. The arrows rain down upon you. You don't see them. You can barely see the men at your side. You raise your shield to protect you... and the GM speaks: "You don't see the arrows. No defense roll."

Your shield might as well not exist. It doesn't exist, as far as GURPS cares.

Another scenario: you're a Viking warrior. Much like the hoplite, you're armed only with your helmet, your shield, and your spear. You fight in much the same way as the Greek before you and the Sumerian before him: in a mass of men standing shoulder to shoulder with a shield in one hand and a spear in the other. Your foe is much the same, though unlike the Greek fighting the Persians, you fight your neighbors from across the river. There are no ranged weapons on either side, only spears and shields and the rare man on horseback. You march forward and press your spear toward your enemy, holding your shield close. Your brother is on your left, your uncle on your right. Not far off, you can see your father. As the mass of men collide, your brother takes a spear to the face. He falls to the ground. All thoughts of your own safety disappear and you enter a violent rage. You make your strongest thrusts at any opening, striking at maximum distance. Your shield is still there, though, between your chest and your enemy's spear. Your enemy stabs at your torso, and... again the GM speaks, "Yeah, he hits you in the torso. Four injury to your vitals."

In GURPS, any time you can't defend, or fail to defend, your shield is nowhere to be found. The space it occupies is considered empty by the game. Where there should be a large piece of wood and leather and metal, there is nothing. The enemy never accidentally strikes your shield. The enemy never takes deliberate action--at a penalty to hit--to get around your shield. Because it simply isn't there.

The rules:

Shields now provide DR as cover rather than a bonus to defend. Shield DB is no longer a thing. You may Block with your shield as normal, but it provides no bonus to your Block roll. It also provides no bonus when dodging or parrying. In this way, Blocking is in essence identical to parrying. Perhaps it would be best to abandon the notion of Blocking as a separate concept altogether and only have dodging and parrying, with shield parries being identical to parries with any other weapon.

Shields are treated as cover all the time. Whenever you have a shield near your body, it's providing cover against both melee and ranged attacks.

First: apply the "thin slab" rule for determining shields' cover DR. Ignoring this rule results in obvious nonsense cover DR values for shields. The Roman Scutum in Low-Tech has a Cover DR of 10. More than all but the thickest steel armors! There's no way that's right. So we'll be using its actual DR, without adding any of its HP, which gives us a DR of 4. Much better. This is a good place to note that these rules are intended to work with the realistic damage values of The Deadly Spring, and some theoretical similar treatment for melee weapons, slings, and so on.

Next, these work just like normal cover. It's a -2 penalty to bypass cover. This number may need to be revisited, but it works well enough for now. Note that massed missile fire never does this.

I've attempted to formalize what areas are protect by shields in different circumstances, but this will obviously need GM judgment to adjudicate at times. That's a feature rather than a bug. If you want to cover your shins with your shield, then the GM will have to determine how much your knee is protected. This is normal for cover! All the cover rules work this way. It's no different from if you kick over a table and stand behind it. I've given some examples, but these certainly aren't intended to be all-inclusive.

Also, for the sake of completeness, I've added protection chances for when you are presenting a single side of your body toward your opponent. We don't exactly have rules for this now, but these values will be useful later on when we do. I'll do another post on that some other time.

Otherwise, these work just like armor. You have a location and the shield provides DR for that location. Some of these provide only a chance. For instance, if a shield gives a 4/6 chance to protect an area, roll a six-sided die. On a one, two, three, or four, the shield protects. On a five or six, you receive no protection.

One more thing. The dueling buckler is a special case. It provides no cover, but gives DR 4 to the hand. It can block as normal.

All shields provide cover only against attacks from the shield side and the front. If other areas are protected, such as when on horseback, or when the shield is carried on the back, GM judgment will be necessary, as I have no formal rules for those situations as of yet.

The short version: shields give DR, just like armor. It's a -2 penalty on your attack to bypass the DR. This replaces all the other stuff shields did. You can still Block, but shields give no bonus to any of your defense rolls.

Here are my examples. These are meant to demonstrate the concept. I make no claims of their exact accuracy.

Hoplon or Scutum - DR 4
               Front/Weapon  Front/Complete
Skull               -           -
Face                -           -
Neck                -           -

Chest               - 3/6*      - 6/6
Abdomen             - 3/6*      - 6/6
Groin               - 6/6       - 6/6

Left Shoulder       - 6/6       - 6/6
Left Upper Arm      - 6/6       - 6/6
Left Elbow          - 6/6       - 6/6
Left Forearm        - 6/6       - 6/6
Left Hand           - 6/6       - 6/6
Right Shoulder      -           - 6/6
Right Upper Arm     -           - 6/6
Right Elbow         -           - 6/6
Right Forearm       -           - 6/6
Right Hand          -           - 6/6

Thigh               - 3/6*      - 6/6
Left Knee           -           -
Left Shin           -           -
Left Foot           -           -
Right Knee          -           -
Right Shin          -           -
Right Foot          -           -

*Increase to 5/6 if presenting shield side.

Kite Shield - DR 4  
               Front/Weapon  Front/Complete
Skull               -           -              
Face                -           -              
Neck                -           -              

Chest               - 3/6*      - 3/6*  
Abdomen             - 3/6*      - 3/6* 
Groin               - 3/6       - 3/6*

Left Shoulder       - 6/6       - 6/6          
Left Upper Arm      - 6/6       - 6/6          
Left Elbow          - 6/6       - 6/6          
Left Forearm        - 6/6       - 6/6          
Left Hand           - 6/6       - 6/6          
Right Shoulder      -           -          
Right Upper Arm     -           -          
Right Elbow         -           -          
Right Forearm       -           -           
Right Hand          -           -           

Thigh               - 3/6*      - 3/6*
Left Knee           - 3/6*      - 3/6*   
Left Shin           - 3/6*      - 3/6*  
Left Foot           -           -              
Right Knee          -           -              
Right Shin          -           -              
Right Foot          -           -

*Increase to 5/6 if presenting shield side.

Heater Shield - DR 4  
               Front/Weapon  Front/Complete
Skull               -           -              
Face                -           -              
Neck                -           -              

Chest               - 3/6*      - 5/6          
Abdomen             - 3/6*      - 5/6          
Groin               - 1/6**     - 1/6**        

Left Shoulder       - 6/6       - 6/6          
Left Upper Arm      - 6/6       - 6/6          
Left Elbow          - 6/6       - 6/6          
Left Forearm        - 6/6       - 6/6          
Left Hand           - 6/6       - 6/6          
Right Shoulder      -           - 6/6          
Right Upper Arm     -           - 6/6          
Right Elbow         -           - 6/6          
Right Forearm       -           - 6/6          
Right Hand          -           - 6/6          

Thigh               - 1/6**     - 6/6          
Left Knee           -           -              
Left Shin           -           -              
Left Foot           -           -              
Right Knee          -           -              
Right Shin          -           -              
Right Foot          -           -

*Increase to 5/6 if presenting shield side.
**Increase to 3/6 if presenting shield side.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

GURPS House Rules: Size Modifier, Part 1

I've broken down the price of the different components of a positive Size Modifier.

A positive size modifier acts as a large negative disadvantage. I've priced out its different components to see what it would cost if you priced those traits out individually. Thanks to Bruno on the forums for breaking down exactly what SM is.

Here's what I get for SM+1 or Gigantism for a normal human:

[Varies] Buy ST, Arm ST, Lifting ST, Striking ST at reduced cost
[5] +1 Move
[2] Immune to Constriction Attack (Relative SM +1 or more)
[1] Easier to intimidate, harder to be intimidated (Relative SM +1 or more)
[1] Easier to pin, harder to be pinned (Relative SM +1)
[1] Can squeeze torso (Relative SM +1)
[1] Increased reach (Only for unarmed attacks)
[1] Easier to hit when you grapple (Relative SM +1 or more)
[1] Can trample/overrun (Relative SM +2 or more)
[1] Longer poison delay


[-5] Easier to be hit
[-1] Easier to be noticed by Vision
[-1] Harder to be camouflaged
[-5] Eat more food overall
[-1] Require more space and life support
[-20] Larger equipment costs more and weighs more
[-1] Harder to fit under low hanging ceilings and doorways without crouching or crawling, or through narrower cracks/holes (or even doors) without an Escape roll.

That works out to a total of -20 points before applying the discount for high ST, which, realistically for a human-sized creature, will give back around four points or so. My preference is to abandon the rule that gives larger creatures a discount on ST. I don't see what purpose it could serve other than to mask the fact that high levels of ST are overpriced. I'll address that in another post. I also strongly dislike that as a method of balancing size modifiers because not all large creature have a high ST or HP. You can have ghostly creatures that are very large but have no mass at all, similarly with large nanoswarms, balloon-like creatures, jellyfish, and weird aliens and supers. If their 0-point size modifier is supposed to be balanced by cheaper ST, then creatures who aren't buying ST are getting a bum deal. Even with SM+1 creatures, the ST 10 giant is suffering much more from his size than the ST 20 giant. I don't like how the value of the trait varies like that based on which other traits you've purchased.

In Conclusion

I would turn Gigantism or SM+1 into a [-20] disadvantage, and remove any reduced cost for a high ST.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

GURPS House Rules: Parrying Unarmed Attacks

I've changed what happens when you parry an unarmed attack with a weapon.

In the RAW, when you parry an unarmed attack, you immediately get to make a free attack against the limb of the person who attacked you. Furthermore, the soon-to-be-limbless attacker doesn't receive a defense roll against this free attack. This is a problem, first, because it breaks the action economy of the game. If you have the time to make a full-strength attack any time you can parry, then why are you limited to doing so only when you can parry someone's unarmed attack? Second, that they have no chance to defend makes unarmed attackers unrealistically vulnerable. They can't pull their hand back when they see their opponent's sword coming for their hand?

The new rule:

Whenever you parry an unarmed attack, on your next turn you can choose to attack the body part you parried at no penalty, with an attack maneuver, using your maneuver for the turn. The body part's owner can defend as normal.

I believe this makes unarmed attackers, like martial artists or tigers, function much better as both player characters and enemies. No longer do unarmed monsters get eaten alive by men with swords.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sample GURPS Supers character: Donatello

I thought it might be helpful to some people to see a familiar superhero made in GURPS. This is my very cinematic, crazy zany cartoonish version of Donatello from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Name: Donatello

Attributes [330]
ST 14 [40]
DX 16 [120]
IQ 16 [120]
HT 14 [40]

HP 14
Will 16
Per 12 [-20]
FP 14

Basic Lift 39
Damage 1d/2d

Basic Speed 8 [10]
Basic Move 8

Social Background
TL: 10
Cultural Familiarities: Western
Languages: English (Native/Native)

Advantages [381]
Ally (April; 25%; 12 or Less) [2]
Ally (Casey Jones; 50%; 6 or Less) [1]
Ally (Splinter; 100%; 15 or Less) [15]
Ally (Leonardo; 100%; 12 or Less) [10]
Ally (Michelangelo; 100%; 15 or Less) [15]
Ally (Raphael; 100%; 9 or Less) [5]
Ambidexterity [5]
Breath-Holding 5 [10]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Common Sense [10]
DR 1 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3]
DR 2 (Still Suffers Shock Penalties, -20%; Torso Only, -10%) [7]
DR 1 (Still Suffers Shock Penalties, -20%; Torso Only, -10%; Directional, Back only, -40%) [2]
Enhanced Parry 3 (Staff) [15]
Extra Attack 1 (Multi-Strike, +20%) [30]
Flexibility [5]
Gadgeteer [25]
High TL 2 [10]
Injury Tolerance (No Head; No Neck; Reflexive, +40%; Temporary Disadvantage, Blindness, -50%) [11]
Luck [15]
Metabolism Control 9 [45]
Perfect Balance [15]
Peripheral Vision [15]
Precognition (Meditating, -70%; Passive Only, -20%) [5]
Single-Minded [5]
Trained by a Master [30]
Unusual Background (Weird Science) [10]
Very Fit [15]
Wealth (Comfortable) [10]
Weapon Master (Staff) [20]

Disadvantages [-76]
Chummy [-5]
Code of Honor (Ninja) [-5]
Dependent (April; 25%; 6 or Less; Friend, x1) [-5]
Dependent Group (Family: Leo, Raph, Michelango, and Splinter; 100%; 6 or Less; Loved One, x2) [-1]
Disciplines of Faith (Ninja) [-5]
Enemy (Foot Clan; 9 or Less) [-30]
Secret (There's Mutant Turtles living in the sewers.) [-20]
Sense of Duty (Family) [-5]

Quirks [-3]
Hero When Able
Likes Pizza
Likes Rock and Roll Music

Skills [302]
Area Knowledge (New York City) (E) IQ [1]-16
Area Knowledge (New York City Sewer System) (E) IQ [1]-16
Blind Fighting (VH) Per+4 [24]-16
Breath Control (H) HT+2 [12]-16
Computers! (VH) IQ [24]-16
Connoisseur (Pizza) (E) IQ [1]-16
Disguise/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-15
Encyclopedist! (VH) IQ-3 [3]-13
Fist! (VH) DX+2 [48]-18
Hidden Lore (Dimension X) (A) IQ-1 [1]-15
Hidden Lore (Mutagens) (A) IQ-1 [1]-15
Hidden Lore (Psionics) (A) IQ-1 [1]-15
Hidden Lore (Utroms) (A) IQ-1 [1]-15
Inventor! (VH) IQ+5 [84]-21
Move! (VH) DX [24]-16
Scholar! (VH) IQ-3 [3]-13
Science! (VH) IQ [24]-16
Thief! (VH) DX [24]-16
Throw! (VH) DX [24]-16

Ninja Gear
Scavenged Science Equipment
Well-Furnished New York Sewer Apartment

Attributes [330] Advantages [381] Disadvantages [-96] Quirks [-3] Skills [302] = Total [914]

Saturday, March 29, 2014

GURPS House Rules: Influence Skills Examined

Okay, so let's take a look at these influence skills and what I've done with them.

Here's the list we're starting with, from the rules as written:

Public Speaking
Sex Appeal

And now what I've shortened this down to:

Sex Appeal

What I've tried to do here is separate these into the means you're employing to influence the person. There was a lot of overlap on these before.

The means are:

Deceit. (Deception)
Appeal to mutual benefit. (Diplomacy)
Threats. (Intimidation)
Bamboozlement, eloquence, stirring of the emotions through powerful language, whatever you want to call it. (Oratory)
Appeal for in-group favoritism. (Savoir-Faire)
Sex appeal. (Sex Appeal)

Each of these skills employs a different means of achieving the desired end. This isn't the case with the RAW skills, which are often about the desired ends rather than the employed means.

Look at the Politics skill for example. It doesn't tell you what sort of means you're employing, only the ends you're acting toward. I think it makes more sense to have politicians engage in Diplomacy and Oratory--the means--than to give them a skill designed specifically for their ends. It's the same with skills like Leadership and Panhandling. Now, of course those uses will take familiarity penalties. Alexander won't be as good a panhandler as Diogenes, even if they both have the same skill levels, but I think that should be because Alexander is unfamiliar with the task and not because he's employing a different skill entirely.

I find the Acting and Fast-Talk skills particularly confusing. They both employ deception as their means, but you sometimes use one and you sometimes use the other. It's not at all clear what the difference is between the two, and I've seen this cause considerable confusion in the game. A character with a high skill level in one skill and a low level in the other will do something expecting to use their high skill level only to be told to use their lower one. These two skills are intended to be very dissimilar, judging by their lack of default, but they're nearly indistinguishable.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

GURPS House Rules: Hit Location Penalties

I've changed the hit location penalties to be in line with the size modifiers of the locations.

That the hit locations receive arbitrary penalties rather than penalties consistent with other creatures causes problems. The RAW penalties also make some locations, such as the skull, too hard to hit, and other locations, like the vitals, too easy to hit. This creates unrealistic incentives, such as reducing the desire for low-tech characters to wear helmets.

Imagine a robot that's the size of a human skull that floats around and shoots lasers from its eyes. You're at a -5 penalty to shoot this SM-5 robot with your own laser gun. In contrast, you're at a -7 penalty to shoot a human skull. This makes no sense.

The reasoning for the higher penalty to hit a human skull than a floating robot is that the human skull can move around. This falls flat for a few reasons. One, this should also apply to creatures like the floating robot; if it can move as quickly as the human skull, then it should be at an additional penalty to hit. Two, this doesn't seem consistent with the rest of the system--other things that move fast aren't at a penalty to hit. And three, the penalty doesn't disappear when the head is motionless.

I think there are two ways to represent the quick movement of the skull in the rules that aren't an arbitrary penalty to hit the skull. Either certain parts of the body can receive a dodge bonus to represent the ease with which they can move out of the way of attacks, or you can employ some form of evasive action which will give a penalty to target the location only when it's moving. More on that some other time.

For the purpose of these rules, I've decided to give the more mobile locations a +1 dodge bonus. I don't know if this is realistic, but it seems like a reasonable compromise that allows for consistency between the human skull and the floating robot.

Going by only the size modifiers, we get the following for a SM 0 human:

Head, SM -4, eight inches, spherical, -4 penalty (roll 1d6; 1-3 is a skull hit, 4-6 is a face hit; Mobile, +1 to Dodge)
Skull, SM -5, five inches, spherical, -5 penalty (Mobile, +1 to Dodge)
Eye, SM -9, one inch, spherical, -9 penalty (Mobile, +1 to Dodge)
Face, SM -5, eight inches, elongated box, -5 penalty (Mobile, +1 to Dodge)
Neck, SM -7, three inches, elongated box, -7 penalty (Mobile, +1 to Dodge)
Arms, SM -3, two feet, -3 penalty
Hand, SM -6, ten inches, -6 penalty (Fist is an additional -2 SM and +2 for spherical shape, giving the same -6 penalty; Mobile, +1 to Dodge)
Torso, SM -1, two feet, elongated box, -1 hit penalty. (Fat increases to +0 penalty)
Vitals, SM -6, eight inches, -6 penalty
Groin, SM -6, eight inches, -6 penalty (Includes reproductive organs and bladder)
Legs, SM -3, two feet, -3 penalty
Feet, SM -5, twelve inches, -5 penalty

Sunday, March 23, 2014

GURPS House Rules: Skill List

I've reduced and consolidated the number of skills in the GURPS skill list through combining skills, deleting skills, and creating new skills. I've also taken this opportunity to rename some of the skills to clear up confusion.

There's not a lot of consistency in determining what should be a skill and what shouldn't. There's overlap between some of the skills. Why is there a separate Performance and Fire Eating skill? Why is there one skill to learn all of Biology, but a seemingly endless number of different skills for wielding a sword? Why do some skills, like Housekeeping, include things that are part of other skills? This sprawl makes it difficult for new players to learn the game, makes it difficult to apply house rules (such as my skill pricing house rule, which I'll make a post on in the future), and it is often at odds with the verisimilitude I'm attempting to create when I run the game.

I'm attempting to apply a consistent method for determining what is and what isn't a skill. To do that, I first need to know what a skill is.

A definition: A skill is an activity that is trained through practice by the human brain. Skills aren't physical. If your brain is transplanted into a cybernetic body, the skill is fully retained. A skill is different from an attribute or an advantage in that skills are trained at the same rate by the brain. If you spend a thousand hours practicing any skill, ceteris paribus, you get the same final skill level. This isn't true of attributes. Training may raise Will, or give a level of a leveled perk, but not at the same rate as a skill. In this way, I'm able to draw a clear line between skills and not-skills.

For the sake of this exercise, I'm not including the supernatural skills such as Power Blow or Teleport. Those will need to be addressed separately, perhaps by attaching a skill option to the advantage rules.

The skills, by category:

Animal Handling†

Erotic Art
Musical Composition
Musical Instrument†

Business† - For conducting business of any kind. Example: Business (Financial Instruments) covers stocks, bonds, currencies, etc.

Melee Weapons† (Specializations are: Blade Weapons, Heavy Weapons, Pole Weapons, and Rope Weapons.)
Unarmed Striking

Computer Operation/TL
Computer Programming/TL

Electronics Repair/TL†

Hobby Skill†

Influence Skills
Sex Appeal

Intellectual Inquiry
Expert Skill†
Hazardous Materials/TL†
Hidden Lore†
Religious Ritual†

Medical (Specialize by species; skills now include versions for animals, extraterrestrials, and genetically-engineered creatures.)

Intelligence Analysis/TL
War Planning†
Battle Command

Free Fall



Marine Vessel
Space Vessel

Area Knowledge†
Body Language
Lip Reading

Notes on specific skills:

Alchemy: Now part of Chemistry skill. Pick a lower TL to do lower TL chemistry. Fairly obvious.

Battle Command: This skill replaces Tactics. I think the name better explains what Tactics actually does and how it's different from Strategy.

Bolas, Lasso, and Thrown Weapon: These are now part of the Throwing skill. Apply familiarity penalties.

Business: This skill replaces the Merchant skill, as well as the Finance and Market Analysis skills. Mandatory specialization. Use familiarity penalties.

Detect Lies: I don't think this is something humans can actually do, so I'm removing it. What I've read indicates that if someone trains at detecting lies for thousands of hours, they still detect lies at no better than chance level.

Falconry: Becomes a specialization of Animal Handling. I have no idea why this was a separate skill in the first place.

Fire Eating, Fortune-Telling, Group Performance, and Ventriloquism: These are all now Performance specializations. I'm not sure why these were separate skills.

Forgery: This skill is now part of Counterfeiting. Apply familiarity penalties.

Gardening: Now part of Farming. Apply familiarity penalties.

Gambling: Now Games specializations.

Herb Lore: Now part of Pharmacy skill.

Housekeeping: This is functioning as a wildcard. Instead buy low levels of its component skills.

Influence skills: There was a lot of overlap here. If there's interest on my reasoning on these, I'll do a separate post on these.

Literature: Now a Connoisseur specialty. We don't have a separate skill for Film study. Connoisseur is the skill for studying a particular form of art. If we were to have Literature as a separate skill rather than a specialization, we'd need to list a hundred separate skills for this.

Loading: This skill now includes Packing and Smuggling. Apply familiarity penalties.

Makeup: This skill is now part of Disguise.

Melee Weapons: I've rolled the different melee weapons into a single skill with different specializations. These will default to one another at a high level. More on that in another post.

Naturalist: This skill was more of a wildcard than an actual skill. Purchase low levels of Biology, Geology, and Meteorology to replicate the function of this skill.

Observation: This skill previously had three different functions. First, it was used as a replacement for Per when it was a higher level. Second, it was used to observe people without being noticed as doing so. Third, it was used to analyze sense data. To replace these functions, use Per rolls for the first, Deception or Stealth for the second, and IQ for the third.

Photography: This skill is now an Artist specialization. If Painting is part of Artist, then so is this.

Poetry: Now part of the Writing skill. Use familiarity penalties.

Poisons: Use either Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physician, or some other skill instead, depending on the particular use. I can't see any reason for this to be a separate skill.

Soldier: Like Naturalist, this skill was functioning more as a wildcard. Instead purchase low levels of Armoury, Electronics Operation, Engineer, or whatever. This doesn't make sense to have in addition to those other skills.

Theft: This skill covers picking pockets and grabbing things out of plain sight. Pickpocket and Filch were two separate skills.

Traps: Now part of Mechanic skill. Use Mechanic skill to build and operate on traps. Use an attribute roll to find traps.

Typing: Okay, so people can train and get better at this, but I don't know if this follows the same skill learning as everything else--that is, it might be better handled as something other than a skill, like a perk--and I think it might be below the level of resolution we can expect out of a roleplaying game.

Urban Survival and Regular Survival: These were both acting as wildcards. I've separated out their component parts as best I can. Purchase those instead.

War Planning: This skill replaces Strategy. I think the name better explains what Strategy actually does and how it's different from Tactics.

Not addressed here:
I intend to do a post in the near future explaining how I envision defaults, familiarity penalties, and task difficulty modifiers working with this new skill list.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Divine Favor Druid Abilities

Minor Blessings

Terrain Adaptation
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 1 points.

Statistics: Terrain Adaptation (PM, -10%) [5].

Purify Water
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 2 points.

Statistics: Create 1 (Pure Water, Specific Item; Reduced Fatigue Cost 1, +20%; Transmutation, Inorganic to Inorganic, +50%; Transmutation Only, -100%; Only to Render Impurities and Toxins Safe, -50%; Cosmic, no roll required, +100%; PM, -10%) [6].

Animal Sounds
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 2 points.

Statistics: Mimicry (Limited, Animal sounds only, -25%; PM, -10%) [7].

Animal Emotions
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 2 points.

Statistics: Mind Control (Specialized, Animals Only, -25%; PM, -10%; Emotion Control, -50%) [8].

Endure Temperatures
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 2 points.

Statistics: Temperature Tolerance 10 (PM, -10%) [9].

Make Shade
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 3 points.

Statistics: Control 1 (Clouds; Natural Phenomena, +100%; Only to create shade, -50%; PM, -10%) [12].

Speak with Plants
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 4.
Learned Prayer Cost: 3 points.

Statistics: Speak with Plants (PM, -10%) [14].

Control Wood
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: Control 1 (Wood; PM, -10%) [18].

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: As per the ability on page 9 of Divine Favor. [18].

Animal Friend
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

You can easily adjust the Talent number up or down.

Statistics: Animal Friend 4 (PM, -10%) [19].

Green Thumb
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

You can easily adjust the Talent number up or down.

Statistics: Green Thumb 4 (PM, -10%) [19].

Speak with Plants, Improved
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points.

Statistics: Speak with Plants (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%) [20].

Speak with Animals
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 6.
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points.

Statistics: Speak with Animals (PM, -10%) [23].

Detect Storms
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 6.
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points.

Statistics: Detect (Storms; Cosmic, No roll required, +100%; Long-Range 1, +50%; PM, -10%) [24].

Major Blessings

Scare Animals
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Terror -1 (Animals Only, -25%; PM, -10%) [26].

Animal Defense
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Defense Bonus +3 (Limited, Animals, -60%; PM, -10%) [27].

Detect Life
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Detect (Anything Living; PM, -10%) [27].

Temperature Control
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Temperature Control 3 (Area Effect, 8 yards, +100%; PM, -10%) [29].

Control Rain
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Control 1 (Precipitation; Occasional; Natural Phenomena, +100%; PM, -10%) [29].

Detect Disease
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Detect (Corruption and Disease; Analyzing, +100%; Cosmic, No die roll required, +100%; PM, -10%) [29].

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: DR 30 (Ablative, -80%) [30].

Protection from Animals
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Damage Resistance 20 (Limited, Animals, -60%; PM, -10%) [30].

Control Animals
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.

Statistics: Mind Control (Specialized, Animals Only, -25%; PM, -10%) [33].

Protection from Plants
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.

Statistics: Damage Resistance 10 (Force-Field, +20%; Limited, Plants, -40%; PM, -10%) [35].

Leave No Trace
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points.

Statistics: Insubstantiality (Only to not leave tracks, -60%; Accessibility, only when Obscure is on, -10%; PM, -10%) [20] + Obscure 10 (Smell; Stealthy, +100%; No area effect, -50%; Only to not leave tracks, -60%; PM, -10%) [16].

Walk Through Wood
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points.

Statistics: Permeation (Wood; PM, -10%) [36].

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points.

Statistics: Obscure 7 (Vision; Area Effect, 16 yards, +150%; Drifting, +20%; PM, -10%) [37].

Speak with Animals, Improved
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points.

Statistics: Speak with Animals (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Universal, +20%) [38].

Read Animal Minds
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.

Mind Reading (Specialized, Animals Only, -25%; PM, -10%; Sensory, +20%; Universal, +50%) [41].

Probe Animal Minds
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.

Statistics: Mind Probe (Specialized, Animals Only, -25%; PM, -10%; Sensory, +20%; Universal, +50%; Invasive, +75%) [42].

Find Tracks
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.

Statistics: Detect (Tracks; Analyzing, +100%; Cosmic, no roll required, +100%; Precise, +100%; Reliable +10, +50%; PM, -10%) [44].

Protection from Nature
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.

Statistics: Damage Resistance 10 (Force-Field, +20%; Limited, Elemental, -20%; PM, -10%) [45].

Heal Nature
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points.

Statistics: Healing (Limited, Plants & Animals, -30%; PM, -10%; Contact Agent, -30%; Cosmic, No die roll required, +100%; Faith healing, +20%) [45].

Move Nature
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 10 points.

Statistics: Telekinesis 20 (Environmental, -40%; PM, -10%) [50].

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 11 points.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Extra Life (Reincarnation, -10%), +230%; Contact Agent, -30%; Extended Duration, Permanent, +300%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; PM, -10%) [55].

Feature: Extra Life is retroactive, instead of preventative; the unique nature of the advantage makes this a special effect.

Miraculous Power

Nature's Grasp
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 12 points.

Statistics: Binding 30 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Environmental, -40%; PM, -10%) [60]

Possess Plants
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 13 points.

Statistics: Possession (Plants only, -25%; PM, -10%) [65]

Eradicate Pests
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 13 points.

Statistics: Toxic Attack 3d (Accessibility, Weeds and Pests Only, -50%; Area Effect, 256 yards, +400%; PM, -10%) [65]

Detect Plant
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 14 points.

Statistics: Detect (Plants; Cosmic, No die roll required, +100%; Long-Range 1, +50%; Precise, +100%; PM, -10%) [68]

Detect Animal
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 14 points.

Statistics: Detect (Animals; Cosmic, No die roll required, +100%; Long-Range 1, +50%; Precise, +100%; PM, -10%) [68]

Bless Crops
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 11.
Learned Prayer Cost: 16 points.

Choose one type of crop when purchasing this ability. Afflicts an alternate version of the same crop, but with the Gigantism and Early Maturation features.

Affliction (Advantage, Alternate Form, +150%; Area Effect, 1024 yards, +500%; Permanent, +150%; Melee Range, -30%; Only on selected crop, -60%; PM, -10%) [80].

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 11.
Learned Prayer Cost: 17 points.

Statistics: Burning Attack 5d (Accurate +2, +10%; Increased 1/2D, x10, +15%; Environmental, Air, -5%; Increased Max, x2, +5%; Side Effect, Stunning, +50%; Surge, +20%; Link, +10%; PM, -10%) [49] + Affliction 1 (HT; Area Effect, 16 yards, +200%; Disadvantage, Deafness, +20%; Environmental, Air, -5%; Hearing-Based, +10%; Stunning, +10%; Link, +10%; PM, -10%) [34].

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 12.
Learned Prayer Cost: 20 points.

Statistics: DR 100 (Ablative, -80%) [100]

Move Nature, Improved
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 12.
Learned Prayer Cost: 20 points.

Statistics: Telekinesis 20 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Environmental, -40%; PM, -10%) [100]

World-Shaking Miracles

Animal Undetectability
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 13.
Learned Prayer Cost: 23 points.

Statistics: Invisibility (Can Carry Objects, Heavy, +100%; Only vs Animals, -25%; Switchable, +10%; PM, -10%) [70] + Obscure 10 (Smell; Stealthy, +100%; No area effect, -50%; Only vs Animals, -25%; Accessibility, Only when Invisibility is on, -10%; PM, -10%) [21] + Obscure 10 (Hearing; Stealthy, +100%; No area effect, -50%; Accessibility, Only when Invisibility is on, -10%; Only vs Animals, -25%; PM, -10%) [21].

Control Animals, Area
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 14.
Learned Prayer Cost: 27 points.

Statistics: Mind Control (Area Effect, 16 yards, +200%; Animals Only, -25%; PM, -10%) [133].

Possess Animal
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 16.
Learned Prayer Cost: 35 points.

Statistics: Possession (Specialized, Animals Only, -25%; PM, -10%; Full Memory Access, +10%; Telecontrol 2, +100%) [175].

Create Tornado
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 16.
Learned Prayer Cost: 38 points.

When you purchase this ability, you may substitute other natural disasters for tornadoes, be they sandstorms, hurricanes, volcanoes, brushfires, floods, blizzards, hailstorms, lightning storms, et cetera. Replace the ritual with something appropriate for the disaster created.

Statistics: Control Tornadoes 10 (Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour , -75%; Natural Phenomena, +100%; Only to create tornadoes, not to calm them, -20%; Requires constant spinning and whooshing during both preparation and duration, -20%; PM, -10%) [113] + Control Tornadoes 20 (Does not increase area, -50%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour , -75%; Natural Phenomena, +100%; Only to create tornadoes, not to calm them, -20%; Requires constant spinning and whooshing during both preparation and duration, -20%) [75].

Wall of Thorns
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 16.
Learned Prayer Cost: 39 points.

Statistics: Binding 30 (Area Effect, 16 yards, +200%; Persistent, +40%; Wall, +30%; Environmental, -40%; PM, -10%) [192].

Control Weather
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 16.
Learned Prayer Cost: 40 points.

Statistics: Control 6 (Weather; Common; Natural Phenomena, +100%; PM, -10%; All-Out, -25%) [198].

Move Nature, Improved 2
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 16.
Learned Prayer Cost: 40 points.

Statistics: Telekinesis 40 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Environmental, -40%; PM, -10%) [200].


Partial Shapeshifting

Chameleon Eyes
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Acute Vision 6 (Accessibility, only when you have Enhanced Tracking, -10%; PM, -10%) [10] + Enhanced Tracking 1 (PM, -10%) [5] + Peripheral Vision (Accessibility, only when you have Enhanced Tracking, -10%; PM, -10%) [12].

Bat Head
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Acute Hearing 5 (Accessibility, only when you have Ultrasonic Speech, -10%; PM, -10%) [8] + Scanning Sense: Sonar (Accessibility, Not in water, -30%; Accessibility, only when you have Ultrasonic Speech, -10%; PM, -10%) [10] + Ultrasonic Speech (PM, -10%) [9].

Cassowary Claws
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points.

Statistics: Cutting Striker x2 (Limb, feet, -20%; Long, +100%; PM, -10%) [24] + Enhanced Move .5 (Land; Accessibility, only when you have Strikers, -10%; PM, -10%) [8] + Super Jump 1 (Accessibility, only when you have Strikers, -10%; PM, -10%) [8].

Eel Shocker
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 10 points.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Aura, +80%; Link, +10%; Melee Attack, -30%; Secondary Heart Attack, +60%; Underwater, +20%; PM, -10%) [23] + Burning Attack 2d+2 (Aura, +80%; Link, +10%; Melee Attack, -30%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Underwater, +20%; Surge, +20%; PM, -10%) [24].

Elephant Trunk
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.

Statistics: Extra Arm (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Long, +1 SM, +100%; Accessibility, only when you have Peripheral Vision, -10%; PM, -10%) [23] + Peripheral Vision (Temporary Disadvantage, Colorblindness, -10%; PM, -10%) [12].

Feathered Arms
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Flight (Winged, -25%; Temporary Disad, No Fine Manipulators, -30%; Link, +10%; PM, -10%) [18] + Enhanced Move .5 (Flight; Link, +10%; PM, -10%) [10].

Fish Tail
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Enhanced Move 1 (Water; Temporary Disadvantage, No Legs (Aquatic), -10%; Accessibility, only when you have Slippery, -10%; PM, -10%) [14] +
Pressure Support 1 (Accessibility, only when you have Slippery, -10%; PM, -10%) [4] + Slippery 4 (PM, -10%) [8].

Hawk Eyes
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Acute Vision 3 (PM, -10%) [6] + Telescopic Vision 5 (Accessibility, only when you have Acute Vision, -10%; PM, -10%) [20].

Mountain Goat Hooves
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.

Statistics: Hooves (PM, -10%) [3] + Perfect Balance (Accessibility, only when you have Hooves, -10%; PM, -10%) [12] + Superior Equilibrioception Talent 4 (Accessibility, only when you have Hooves, -10%; PM, -10%) [16].

Saber Teeth
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Teeth (Fangs; PM, -10%) [2] + Lifting ST 15 (Bite only, -60%; Accessibility, only when you have Fangs, -10%; PM, -10%) [9] + Striking ST 15 (Bite only, -60%; Temporary Disadvantage, Colorblindness, -10%; Accessibility, only when you have Fangs, -10%; PM, -10%) [15].

Scorpion Tail
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Impaling Striker (Long, +1 SM, +100%; PM, -10%) [15] + Toxic Attack 3d (Follow-UP, Tail, -0%; Resistible, HT-5, -5%; PM, -10%) [11].

Serpent's Fangs
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Teeth (Fangs; PM, -10%) [2] + 6d Toxic Attack (Follow-UP, fangs, -0%; Resistible, HT-4, -10%; Cyclic, Daily, expires after three days, +30%; Accessibility, only when you have Fangs, -10%; PM, -10%) [24].

Spider Arms
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points.

Statistics: Two Extra Arms (PM, -10%) [18] + Extra Attack (Accessibility, only when you have Extra Arms, -10%; PM, -10%) [20].

Tiger Paws
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Sharp Claws (PM, -10%) [5] + Striking ST 21 (Temporary Disadvantage, No Fine Manipulators, -30%; NFM, -40%; Accessibility, only when you have Sharp Claws, -10%; PM, -10%) [21].

Wolf Snout
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Statistics: Acute Smell 4 (Accessibility, only when you have Sharp Teeth, -10%; PM, -10% ) [8] + Discriminatory Smell (Accessibility, only when you have Sharp Teeth, -10%; PM, -10%) [12] + Sharp Teeth (PM, -10%) [1] + Striking ST 4 (Bite only, -60%; Accessibility, only when you have, -10%; PM, -10%) [6].

Alternate Form

Druids can use Alternate Form to change instantly into animals. These abilities are purchased as Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] plus nine-tenths of the price of the racial template. Remember that the racial templates assume a base human with ability scores of 10. You may need to adjust the racial template's price based on your purchased traits. For instance, a ST 17 druid who wishes to turn into a ST 3 falcon would reduce the price of the template by an additional seventy points after accounting for his additional seven ST. Note that some of these abilities might require expanding Divine Favor past level 18, as per Pyramid #3/50 - Dungeon Fantasy II, pushing them into history-shaping miracles!

Dog Form
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 13 points.

Dog Racial Template, 39 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10]; DX 11 (NFM, -40%) [12]; HT+2 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+2 [10]; Basic Move +5 [25] .
Advantages: Discriminatory Smell [15]; Fur [1]; Sharp Teeth [1].
Disadvantages: Quadruped [-35].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] + Dog Racial Template [36]

Elephant Form
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 19.
Learned Prayer Cost: 58 points.

Elephant Racial Template, 293 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST+35 (Size, -30%) [245]; DX+2 [40]; HT+2 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Speed -2 [-40]; SM +3.
Advantages: Crushing Striker (Tusks) [5]; DR 4 [20]; Enhanced Move 1 [20]; Trunk (Extra-Flexible; Long, +1 SM; Weak, 1/4 ST) [10].
Disadvantages: Quadruped (One Arm) [-25]; Weak Bite [-2].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] + Elephant Racial Template [264]

Falcon Form
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Falcon Racial Template, 1 point
Attribute Modifiers: ST-7 [-70]; DX+4 (NFM, -40%) [48].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+2 [10]; Basic Move -4 [-20]; SM -4.
Advantages: Acute Vision 3 [6]; Enhanced Move 1 (Air Speed 24) [20]; Feathers [1]; Flight (Winged, -25%) [30]; Sharp Beak [1]; Sharp Claws [5].
Disadvantages: No Fine Manipulators [-30].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] + Falcon Racial Template [1]

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 12.
Learned Prayer Cost: 20 points.

Horse Racial Template, 81 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST+12 (Size, -10%; NFM, -40%) [60]; DX-1 [-20]; HT+1 [10].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Will+1 [5]; Per+2 [10]; Basic Move +3 [15]; SM +1.
Advantages: Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 16) [20]; Hooves [3]; Peripheral Vision [15].
Disadvantages: Quadruped [-35]; Weak Bite [-2].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] + Horse Racial Template [73]

Rat Form
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Rat Racial Template, -3 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST-9 [-90]; DX+2 [40]; HT+1 [10].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+2 [10]; Basic Move +1 [5]; SM-7.
Advantages: Claws (Blunt) [3]; Flexibility [5]; Fur [1]; Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Night Vision 3 [3]; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards +3 [10].
Disadvantages: Semi-Upright [-5].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] [26]

Tiger Form
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 13.
Learned Prayer Cost: 23 points.

Tiger Racial Template, 94 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST+7 (Size, -10%; NFM, -40%) [35]; DX+3 (NFM, -40%) [36] HT+1 [10].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Will+1 [5]; Per+2 [10]; Basic Move +4 [20]; SM +1.
Advantages: Fur [1]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1].
Disadvantages: Quadruped [-35].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] + Tiger Racial Template [85]

Tiger Shark Form
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 15.
Learned Prayer Cost: 34 points.

Tiger Shark Racial Template, 158 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST+9 (Size, -20%; NFM, -40%) [63]; DX+3 (NFM, -40%) [36]; HT+2 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+2 [10]; Basic Move (Water) +1 [5]; SM +2.
Advantages: Crushing Striker [5]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Doesn't Breathe (Gills, -50%) [10]; Enhanced Move 1 (Water Speed 14; Costs Fatigue 2, -10%) [18]; Pressure Support 2 [10]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Subsonic Hearing [5]; Vibration Sense [10].
Disadvantages: Ichthyoid [-50].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] + Tiger Shark Racial Template [143]

Walking Thorn Bush
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 16.
Learned Prayer Cost: 37 points.

Walking Thorn Bush Racial Template, 174 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST -9 [-10]; HT+2 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP +30 [60]; Basic Speed +.5 [10].
Advantages: Cutting Striker [7]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Doesn't Eat or Drink (Food Only, -50%) [5]; Doesn't Sleep [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; Injury Tolerance (No Eyes, No Neck) [10]; Short Spines [1]; Vacuum Support [5]; Woody [1].
Disadvantages: Cannot Speak [-15]; Dependency (Sunlight; Very Common, Weekly) [-10]; Fragile (Combustible) [-5]; No Fine Manipulators [-30]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Numb [-20].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] + Walking Thorn Bush Racial Template [157]

Walking Tree Form
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 17.
Learned Prayer Cost: 41 points.

Walking Tree Racial Template, 198 points
Attribute Modifiers: ST+26 (Size, -30%; NFM, -40%) [78]; DX-4 [-80]; .
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+99 (Size, -30%) [153]; Basic Move -2 [-10]; SM +3.
Advantages: Blunt Claws [3]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Doesn't Eat or Drink (Food Only, -50%) [5]; Doesn't Sleep [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogeneous) [40]; Injury Tolerance (No Eyes, No Head, No Neck, No Vitals) [23]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Vacuum Support [5]; Woody [1].
Disadvantages: Disadvantages: Cannot Speak [-15]; Dependency (Sunlight; Very Common, Weekly) [-10]; Fragile (Combustible) [-5]; No Fine Manipulators [-30]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Numb [-20].

Statistics: Alternate Form (Reduced Time 4, +80%; PM, -10%) [26] + Walking Tree Racial Template [179]


Summon Animals

Druids have the ability to summon a variety of animal Allies. These animals appear immediately and follow the druid's commands to the best of their ability. The druid can converse with them as though they had his IQ, regardless of their actual IQ.

These abilities are built as Ally (Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, +100%) + Speak with Animals (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [18].

To purchase an animal Ally, choose an animal and purchase the ability with the corresponding percentage of your point total. Each animal comes in both a normal and a smart version, with the smart version having human-like intelligence. Optionally, you may use the rules for Ally Groups to summon multiple animals at a time; to do so, calculate the new price using the Ally Groups pricing.

Summon Animal I
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Choose an animal up to 25% of your point total. That animal appears in front of you immediately whenever summoned.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 25%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, +100%) [12] + Speak with Animals (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [18].

Summon Animal II
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 8.
Learned Prayer Cost: 8 points.

Choose an animal up to 50% of your point total. That animal appears in front of you immediately whenever summoned.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 50%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, +100%) [20] + Speak with Animals (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [18].

Summon Animal III
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 10 points.

Choose an animal up to 75% of your point total. That animal appears in front of you immediately whenever summoned.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 75%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, +100%) [32] + Speak with Animals (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [18].

Summon Animal IV
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 10.
Learned Prayer Cost: 14 points.

Choose an animal up to 100% of your point total. That animal appears in front of you immediately whenever summoned.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 100%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, +100%) [48] + Speak with Animals (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [18].

Summon Animal V
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 13.
Learned Prayer Cost: 23 points.

Choose an animal up to 150% of your point total. That animal appears in front of you immediately whenever summoned.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 150%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, +100%) [96] + Speak with Animals (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [18].

Cavalry Horse, 10 points

ST: 22 [60]*† HP: 22 [0] Speed: 5 [0]
DX: 9 [-20] Will: 11 [40] Move: 8 [15]
IQ: 3 [-140] Per: 12 [45]
HT: 11 [10] FP: 11 [0] SM: +1
Dodge: 9 Parry: n/a

Bite (10): 2d-4 Crushing.
Kick (8): 2d+2 Crushing.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 16) [20]; Hooves [3]; Peripheral Vision [15].
Disadvantages: Domestic Animal [-30]; Quadruped [-35]; Weak Bite [-2].
Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-10
Mount (A) DX+3 [12]-12

* Cost reduced for Size (-10%).
† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Cavalry Horse, Smart, 85 points

ST: 22 [60]*† HP: 22 [0] Speed: 5 [0]
DX: 9 [-20] Will: 11 [5] Move: 8 [15]
IQ: 10 [0] Per: 12 [10]
HT: 11 [10] FP: 11 [0] SM: +1
Dodge: 9 Parry: n/a

Bite (10): 2d-4 Crushing.
Kick (8): 2d+2 Crushing.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 16) [20]; Hooves [3]; Peripheral Vision [15].
Disadvantages: Domestic Animal (Not Hidebound) [-25]; Quadruped [-35]; Weak Bite [-2].
Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-10
Mount (A) DX+3 [12]-12

* Cost reduced for Size (-10%).
† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Dog, -73 points

ST: 9 [-10]† HP: 9 [0] Speed: 5.75 [0]
DX: 11 [12]† Will: 10 [30] Move: 10 [25]
IQ: 4 [-120] Per: 12 [40]
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: 0
Dodge: 8 Parry: n/a

Bite (13): 1d-1 Cutting.
Claw (13): 1d-1 Crushing.

Advantages: Discriminatory Smell [15]; Fur [1]; Sharp Teeth [1].
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Domestic Animal [-30]; Quadruped [-35]; Wealth: Dead Broke [-25].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-13
Tracking (A) Per+1 [4]-13

† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Dog, Smart, 2 points

ST: 9 [-10]† HP: 9 [0] Speed: 5.75 [0]
DX: 11 [12]† Will: 10 [0] Move: 10 [25]
IQ: 10 Per: 12 [10]
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: 0
Dodge: 8 Parry: n/a

Bite (13): 1d-4 Cutting.
Claw (13): 1d-4 Crushing.

Advantages: Discriminatory Smell [15]; Fur [1]; Sharp Teeth [1].
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Domestic Animal (Not Hidebound) [-25]; Quadruped [-35]; Wealth: Dead Broke [-25].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-13
Tracking (A) Per+1 [4]-13

† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Elephant, 208 points

ST: 45 [245]* HP: 45 [0] Speed: 4 [-40]
DX: 12 [40] Will: 10 [25] Move: 4 [0]
IQ: 5 [-100] Per: 10 [25]
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: +3
Dodge: 7 Parry: 9 DR: 4 [20]

Bite (12): 5d-11 crushing.
Kick (10): 5d crushing.
Gore (12): 5d+5 crushing.
Slam (12): 4d crushing.
Trunk Slap (12): 1d-2 crushing.
Advantages: Crushing Striker (Tusks) [5]; DR 4 [20]; Enhanced Move 1 [20]; Trunk (Extra-Flexible; Long, +1 SM; Weak, 1/4 ST) [10].
Disadvantages: Quadruped (One Arm) [-25]; Weak Bite [-2]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]; Wild Animal [-30].
Skills: None.

* Cost reduced for Size (-30%).

Elephant, Smart, 308 points

ST: 45 [245]* HP: 45 [0] Speed: 4 [-40]
DX: 12 [40] Will: 10 Move: 4 [0]
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: +3
Dodge: 7 Parry: 9 DR: 4 [20]

Bite (12): 5d-11 crushing.
Kick (10): 5d crushing.
Gore (12): 5d+5 crushing.
Slam (12): 4d crushing.
Trunk Slap (12): 1d-2 crushing.
Advantages: Crushing Striker (Tusks) [5]; DR 4 [20]; Enhanced Move 1 [20]; Trunk (Extra-Flexible; Long, +1 SM; Weak, 1/4 ST) [10].
Disadvantages: Quadruped (One Arm) [-25]; Weak Bite [-2]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]; Wild Animal (Not Bestial) [-20].
Skills: None.

* Cost reduced for Size (-30%).

Falcon, -95 points

ST: 3 [-70] HP: 3 [0] Speed: 6 [0]
DX: 14 [48]† Will: 10 [35] Move: 2 (Ground) [-20]
IQ: 3 [-140] Per: 12 [45] Move: 12 (Air) [0]
HT: 10 [0] FP: 10 [0] SM: -4
Dodge: 9 Parry: n/a

Bite (16): 1d-4 Cutting.
Claw (16): 1d-4 Cutting.

Advantages: Acute Vision 3 [6]; Enhanced Move 1 (Air Speed 24) [20]; Feathers [1]; Flight (Winged, -25%) [30]; Sharp Beak [1]; Sharp Claws [5].
Disadvantages: No Fine Manipulators [-30]; Wild Animal [-30].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-16

† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Falcon, Smart, -15 points

ST: 3 [-70] HP: 3 [0] Speed: 6 [0]
DX: 14 [48]† Will: 10 [0] Move: 2 (Ground) [-20]
IQ: 10 [0] Per: 12 [10] Move: 12 (Air) [0]
HT: 10 [0] FP: 10 [0] SM: -4
Dodge: 9 Parry: n/a

Bite (16): 1d-4 Cutting.
Claw (16): 1d-4 Cutting.

Advantages: Acute Vision 3 [6]; Enhanced Move 1 (Air Speed 24) [20]; Feathers [1]; Flight (Winged, -25%) [30]; Sharp Beak [1]; Sharp Claws [5].
Disadvantages: No Fine Manipulators [-30]; Wild Animal (Not Bestial) [-20].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-16

† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Rat, -98 points

ST: 1 [-90] HP: 9 [0] Speed: 5.75 [0]
DX: 12 [40] Will: 10 [35] Move: 6 [5]
IQ: 3 [-140] Per: 12 [45]
HT: 11 [10] FP: 11 [0] SM: -7
Dodge: 8 Parry:9

Bite (12): 1d-6 Crushing.
Claw (12): 1d-5 Crushing.

Advantages: Claws (Blunt) [3]; Flexibility [5]; Fur [1]; Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Night Vision 3 [3]; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards +3 [10].
Disadvantages: Semi-Upright [-5]; Wild Animal [-30].
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-12
Stealth (A) DX [2]-12
Urban Survival (A) Per [2]-12

Rat, Smart, 2 points

ST: 1 [-90] HP: 9 [0] Speed: 5.75 [0]
DX: 12 [40] Will: 10 [0] Move: 6 [5]
IQ: 10 [0] Per: 12 [10]
HT: 11 [10] FP: 11 [0] SM: -7
Dodge: 8 Parry:

Bite (12): 1d-6 Crushing.
Claw (12): 1d-5 Crushing.

Advantages: Claws (Blunt) [3]; Flexibility [5]; Fur [1]; Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Night Vision 3 [3]; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards +3 [10].
Disadvantages: Semi-Upright [-5].
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-12
Stealth (A) DX [2]-12
Urban Survival (A) Per [2]-12

Tiger, 17 points

ST: 17 [35]*† HP: 17 [0] Speed: 6 [0]
DX: 13 [36]† Will: 11 [35] Move: 10 [20]
IQ: 4 [-120] Per: 12 [40]
HT: 11 [10] FP: 11 [0] SM: +1
Dodge: 10 Parry: n/a DR: 1 [5]

Bite (15): 1d+2 Cutting.
Claw (15): 1d+2 Cutting.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Fur [1]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1].
Disadvantages: Quadruped [-35]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]; Wild Animal [-30].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [8]-15
Stealth (A) DX [2]-13
Swimming (A) HT+2 [8]-13

* Cost reduced for Size (-10%).
† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Tiger, Smart, 87 points

ST: 17 [35]*† HP: 17 [0] Speed: 6 [0]
DX: 13 [36]† Will: 11 [5] Move: 10 [20]
IQ: 10 Per: 12 [10]
HT: 11 [10] FP: 11 [0] SM: +1
Dodge: 10 Parry: n/a DR: 1 [5]

Bite (15): 1d+2 Cutting.
Claw (15): 1d+2 Cutting.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Fur [1]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Sharp Claws [5]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1].
Disadvantages: Quadruped [-35]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]; Wild Animal (Not Bestial) [-20].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [8]-15
Stealth (A) DX [2]-13
Swimming (A) HT+2 [8]-13

* Cost reduced for Size (-10%).
† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Tiger Shark, 60 points

ST: 19 [63]*† HP: 9 [0] Speed: 6.25 [0]
DX: 13 [36]† Will: 10 [40] Move: 7 (Water) [5]
IQ: 2 [-160] Per: 12 [50]
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: +2
Dodge: 10 Parry: n/a

Bite (15): 2d+1 Cutting.
Snout (15): 2d+3 Crushing.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Crushing Striker [5]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Doesn't Breathe (Gills, -50%) [10]; Enhanced Move 1 (Water Speed 14; Costs Fatigue 2, -10%) [18]; Pressure Support 2 [10]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Subsonic Hearing [5]; Vibration Sense [10].
Disadvantages: Bad Temper (9) [-15]; Ichthyoid [-50]; Wild Animal [-30].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-15
Survival (Open Ocean) (A) Per+2 [8]-14

* Cost reduced for Size (-20%).
† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Tiger Shark, Smart, 140 points

ST: 19 [63]*† HP: 9 [0] Speed: 6.25 [0]
DX: 13 [36]† Will: 10 [0] Move: 7 (Water) [5]
IQ: 10 [0] Per: 12 [10]
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: +2
Dodge: 10 Parry: n/a

Bite (15): 2d+1 Cutting.
Snout (15): 2d+3 Crushing.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Crushing Striker [5]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Doesn't Breathe (Gills, -50%) [10]; Enhanced Move 1 (Water Speed 14; Costs Fatigue 2, -10%) [18]; Pressure Support 2 [10]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Subsonic Hearing [5]; Vibration Sense [10].
Disadvantages: Bad Temper (9) [-15]; Ichthyoid [-50]; Wild Animal [-30].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-15
Survival (Open Ocean) (A) Per+2 [8]-14

* Cost reduced for Size (-20%).
† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Animate Plants

In addition to summoning animals, druids can animate plants to do their bidding. As with their summoned animals, they may speak with these plants as though they have the druid's IQ. These abilities are built as Ally (Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, Requires a tree, +50%) [16] + Speak with Plants (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [11].

Animate Plants I
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points.

Animates any one nearby living plant up to 50% of your point total.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 50%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, Requires a tree, +50%) [16] + Speak with Plants (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [11].

Animate Plants II
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points.

Animates any one nearby living plant up to 75% of your point total.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 75%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, Requires a tree, +50%) [24] + Speak with Plants (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [11].

Animate Plants III
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 11 points.

Animates any one nearby living plant up to 100% of your point total.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 100%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, Requires a tree, +50%) [40] + Speak with Plants (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [11].

Animate Plants IV
Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 11.
Learned Prayer Cost: 18 points.

Animates any one nearby living plant up to 150% of your point total.

Statistics: Ally (Built on 150%; Constantly Available, x4; Minion, +50%; PM, -10%; Summonable, Requires a tree, +50%) [76] + Speak with Plants (PM, -10%; Sapience, +40%; Specialized, Summoned Ally only, -60%) [11].

Animated Living Tree, 20' Tall, 72 points

ST: 36 [78]*† HP: 145 [153]* Speed: 4 [0]
DX: 6 [-80] Will: 10 [20] Move: 2 [-10]
IQ: 6 [-80] Per: 10 [20]
HT: 10 [0] FP: 10 [0] SM: +3
Dodge: 7 Parry: n/a DR: 18 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%) [54]

Branch (6): 4d+3 Crushing.

Advantages: Blunt Claws [3]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Doesn't Eat or Drink (Food Only, -50%) [5]; Doesn't Sleep [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogeneous) [40]; Injury Tolerance (No Eyes, No Head, No Neck, No Vitals) [23]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Unfazeable [15]; Vacuum Support [5]; Woody [1].
Disadvantages: Automaton [-85]; Cannot Learn [-30]; Cannot Speak [-15]; Dependency (Sunlight; Very Common, Weekly) [-10]; Fragile (Combustible) [-5]; No Fine Manipulators [-30]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Numb [-20]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].

* Cost reduced for Size (-30%).
† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).

Animated Average Thorn Bush, 5' Tall, 1 point

ST: 9 [-10]† HP: 39 [60] Speed: 6 [10]
DX: 10 [0] Will: 10 [20] Move: 6 [0]
IQ: 6 [-80] Per: 10 [20]
HT: 12 [20] FP: 12 [0] SM: +0
Dodge: 9 Parry: n/a DR 1: (Can't Wear Armor, -40%) [3]

Thorns (12): 1d Cutting.

Advantages: Cutting Striker [7]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Doesn't Eat or Drink (Food Only, -50%) [5]; Doesn't Sleep [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; Injury Tolerance (No Eyes, No Neck) [10]; Short Spines [1]; Unfazeable [15]; Vacuum Support [5]; Woody [1].
Disadvantages: Automaton [-85]; Cannot Learn [-30]; Cannot Speak [-15]; Dependency (Sunlight; Very Common, Weekly) [-10]; Fragile (Combustible) [-5]; No Fine Manipulators [-30]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Numb [-20]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].
Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-12

† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%).